
Chinglong Seed Co., Ltd. has more than sixty years of experience and history in the vegetable seed field. We specialize in the breeding, production and marketing of cauliflower, broccoli, Chinese cabbage and watermelon seeds. One of our goals is to breed various varieties that can be grown in different climates and areas; eventually benefiting farmers and serving people better. We produce varieties that can resist or tolerate heat, cold, bolting, humid environment and diseases. Our seeds are F1 hybrids, no GMO (genetically modified organism) are used at all. Email us for more information. Please also note that the maturity days we provided should be used as comparison data in our varieties, your actual maturity days may vary.
Signed By        

Ching Chang Tsai 蔡慶蒼

慶農種苗有限公司在蔬菜及蔬菜種子方面有五十年以上的經驗。我們專精於花椰菜、青花菜、 結球白菜、及西瓜等蔬菜品種的選育、種子的生產及銷售。
我們的目標之一是育出能適合各種氣候和適合不同地區種植的多樣化品種,使農民及消費者盡 可能一年四季都能生產和享用新鮮的蔬菜。我們的品種各具有不同程度的特性,包括耐熱、耐 寒、抵抗潮濕環境或病害的能力以及一代雜交的品種(F1)一般具有的栽培容易、豐產、品質 優良和成熟期一致等優點,但基因移轉(GM)技術目前並未應用在我們的產品上。